Douglas Mazell has been a paid observer of society for thrity years. His perfect composition eye and his ability to use light in any situation creates the perfect skill set for high quality commercial photography and film projects.
For the past thrity years Mazell has been fine tuneing his craft and continues to solve any photographic challedge with creativity and guaranteed results.

Douglas Mazell

Hired Doug as photographer to create more than 100 profiles of out key alumni that now hang at the campus and others given to the individual alumni. Doug can get the job done without much direction. He now offers photography and video services He has so much talent and cooperation that makes him a responsive problem solver and skilled artist.
Ken Ott - Loyola Law School
Doug was the DP on my first short film and did a great job. He also worked on my second short film and the director thought he was amazing and will always look to work with him in the future.
Steve Hartman - Film Producer
I work with Doug all the time cos he's the best! Great eye for the visuals! Whether it's still photography or full length videos for us he always delivers the goods. & he's a great bloke!
Tony Silver - Music Producer
Doug has one of the best eyes out there, understands light and atmosphere, and is a calming influence on the whole process.
Steve Levin - Energy Reporter